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The use of the face mask is mandatory once more

The Spanish Government has announced, on Friday December 24th, by a royal decree of law that the use of a face mask would be mandatory in the streets. This change is due to the sixth wave of Covid-19.

The Royal Decree-Law approved changes to an already existing regulation, this is the 2/2021 of last March 29th, and will have to be validated in Congress within 30 days. However, the text also introduces an additional provision enabling the Government to modify the conditions of the use of face masks without having to go through the Lowe House.

Under the new rules, not wearing a face mask could lead to fines of up to 100 euros. Therefore, it should be used in the streets even if there is social distance. Even so, there are some exceptions for the use of face masks, it is not mandatory when practicing individual sports or in natural spaces in which you can keep the social distance of one meter and half.

During the discussion, there were criticisms from Isabel Díaz Ayuzo, while leaders of other communities such as Basque Country or Galicia consider that this measure is insufficient. Other communities like Catalonia have reestablished curfews, the closure of and the limitation of people in social gatherings.

For more information, please contact us at Valentina Sierraalta Trois & Law

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